Sacristans are needed to prepare some of the practical necessities for a smooth celebration of Mass. These include such things as ensuring the lights and microphones are on and working, the bread and wine are prepared for the Mass, the key is in the tabernacle, water, towel, chalices, ciboria, corporal and purificators are ready; and all the necessary ministers are present. If you are interested in this ministry contact the parish office, 517.676.9111
Greeters are an essential part of the experience of attending our parish. They welcome everyone in, answer questions, and are helping with the check in process during weekend Masses. Greeters are often found responsible for putting smiles on someone’s face. The first people visitors meet are the greeters. Any of our parish members can be a greeter! We ask that you can follow some simple instructions and bring a smile. This ministry is great for families to do together!
Ushers are needed to greet parishioners and visitors at Masses each weekend. As an usher, you can be the smiling face that assists attendees in finding seats, coordinate the presentation of the gifts, dismiss pews for communion, and set up for baptisms. Individuals, families, and teams can sign up together.
Lectors pronounce the Word of God during Mass. They do the first and/or second readings and also the Responsorial Psalm (when not being sung by music ministers), from the Ambo. The Commentator welcomes all and helps parishioners with the flow of Mass from the podium.
Extraordinary Ministers
The primary duty of Extraordinary Ministers is to assist the priest, in distribution of holy communion.
* Please contact the office to set up a training time if you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are needed at all regular and special/seasonal Masses. Anyone who has received the Sacrament of First Communion is welcome to become a server. That’s right, even adults, particularly during the week when kids are in school.