

Women's Club

Since the early days when the parish was formed, the women of St. James have had a rich tradition of providing essential services to parishioners and the church. Funeral luncheons continue to be offered and served by dedicated volunteers. Rummage sales are held each Spring and Fall, support the Rosary Makers, purchased vestments and altar furnishings as needed. Every adult woman is automatically a member of the Women’s Club. We are always in need of volunteers and welcomed at any event. For more information, please contact Chris Harrison at 517.694.3653.

The Ladies of CC 

Every adult woman in the parish is a member. We encourage you to participate and share your ideas so you can be actively involved in our group. Our fundraising efforts include baskets raffled at Knights of Columbus St Pat’s Dinner and the Parish Picnic and bake sales at the Knights of Columbus monthly Sunday breakfasts. We are active in our community by requesting food and gifts donations to create holiday baskets. We fund gifts and parties for the children and teens when they receive First Eucharist, Confirmation, and graduate from High School. We also occasionally purchase vestments for Fr. Kusi and the Senior Priest along with altar furnishings, when needed. Volunteers are needed and welcome at any event. For more information please contact the President Anne Rowse at 517.851.7588. We meet the 3rd Sunday of the month after Mass.

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